Saturday 9 June 2012

May Half Term 2012

I went home from college on Thursday with Mum and on the way home Mum told me about these special tablets which would help me with my flying.

I was a bit nervous to take them at first but I had to take them a day before I fly.

On Friday afternoon, Pops came along and Dad took us to the Airport. After we left to check in, Pops took the Dudey van home.

Whilst we were waiting at our gate, I felt very nervous but when we got on the plane and was up the sky, I was absolutely fine!

As I am aware, easyJet are one of the only Airlines that talk about the brace position. They now have pre-recorded safety announcements and the dude says "In your safety pocket, there is a safety card indicating the escape routes, oxygen masks and life jackets. This also shows the brace position which you must adopt if you hear the instruction, "Brace brace!" We even had a bit of turbulence!

There is even a video on YouTube of an emergency landing:

As we landed, we picked up or hire car from Zit Auto and then we drove to the mansion. The Euwings were there before us so we saw them when we got to the mansion. The Browns except Tom Brown came a little bit later as they flight got delayed and we had a nice week of chilling, nice meals except for Thursday when I went to the Italian and they had breaded chicken and chips, and during the day I had WIFI at the mansion so I was able to take my laptop on holiday. Whilst I was there, if Bop It said Dude, I had to jump in the pool. The mansion has a nice garden with it's own outdoor pool. I didn't jump in but I got in using the steps and I had a little swim around.

On Sunday, we went to a beach bar for lunch and they had a musican and he played his guitar and harmonica. Aaron felt like he was going to play Wonderwall by Oasis because that is a very popular song and he did  On Tuesday night we went to a pub in the Marina called the 19th Hole. They had a band playing called The Sun and they played several songs that I knew and one of they was "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley and they also did Wonderwall too!

On Friday, I took my chill pill tablets again ready for the flight on Saturday. I had a nice smooth flight and I was pleased to land at Bristol again because my parcel arrived on Friday and I was able to play on my Bop It Smash and my new Brain Shift today!

Here is a video of me playing Bop It Smash!

Overall, I really enjoyed my week at Portugal and I would go again next year as I know that the flight would be fine as I have my nice relaxing tablets.

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