Saturday 25 February 2012

Back after half term and back into Farleigh!

This week, I felt ike I whish I was at home. On Monday, I went to college like a good lad and I did my day at college. Before my last lesson of the day, I asked mum if she sorted out  my room at Fourwinds and she texted me back "Hey groovy dude! You never guess what arrived at 4winds?" It was my brand new Groove It game I bought from eBay! Angela enjoyed playing Groove It when I played the one from home and after tea, we played a bit of groove it, and a bit of Abe.

On Tuesday morning when I woke up, I didn't enjoy eating my breakfast as crazy Ben was sitting at the table eating his breakfast. He was quiet though. After college, I did my Literacy and Numeracy lessons at the Learning Centre and then I went back to 4winds and played my electronic Millionaire game. It uses the old 15 questions format and we got up to the milion pound question which Dad didn't know the answer too (he was our phone a friend.) After playing millionaire, Angela and I went back upstairs and played som games upsatirs.

On Wednesday, I woke up and had breakfast again with Ben. It was a bit worse this day because he was more loud and he had his cocopops bowl near his mouth to drink up the milk. I didn't like it so I looked away when he was doing it. I did my 2 hour lesson at college and went back to 4winds and I had OT with Emma. I went bowling on the evening and I didn't enjoy it this week because Ben went. On the way back they were talking about Barnie and Ben was talking loud.

On Thursday, I was glad to get home again because I had to eat my breakfast with Ben again and he was talking loud again.

Mum and Dad had a meeting at Farleigh on Friday and they dicussed that I would go to Sainsbury's instead of ASDA to do my shopping as that's where mum buys our shopping from.

Friday 10 February 2012

My last week at Farleigh

My last week at Farleigh was a good week, but I forgotten a few things on Monday. I forgot to pack my lunchbox and my phone was left in the car. Mum had to come all the way back from Bristol to give me my stuff. I didn't see mum when she gave my stuff back but luckily I didn't because I would have felt like going in her car and going back home.

On the evening, I went shopping and had Assuages, Mash and peas.I spent the rest of the evening with Angela and Bop It called us Dude lots!

On Tuesday, it was a calmer day. I woke up, had breakfast, went to college and then I went to the learning centre and I had my literacy and numeracy sessions there. When I went back to the residence, I have chicken, chips and peas. I took my Millionaire game downstairs and played it with Ross and we won £32,000. Later on after when Angela did the washing up and when Lean and then we all played Millionaire. James (one of the students) knew some of the French questions because his mum speaks French.

On Wednesday, it was quite and exciting day because when I looked up on the forums that evening, Wayne (aka: Javajolt) posted that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview will be available to download to on Feburary 29 as Microsoft are going to launch the Consumer Preview with anevent in Spain, Barcolena. I now have MSDN access at college which allows me to get free license keys for software such as Windows. I got a license key for my Mum's new computer which she will get after half term. I didn't go bowling that night because it was on at 9 till 10 and it was a bit late for me  But Angela had to go bowling so a Farleigh staff called Dawn looked after me instead. Dawn never played Bop It before so I showed her all my Bop It games. On Thursday, I was glad to go home. Mum picked me up from the base room, went back to Four Winds and packed a few clothes and went home. I am now enjoying a few days down in St  Ives and the Euwings are going to be living on our cottage when we go home on Tuesday. I'm hopefully will have a better term and hopefully Windows 8 will be nice and stable on my PC when I install it.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Another 2 weeks gone at Farleigh + a meeting on Friday

I had one good week and one not so good week at Farleigh. On my good week, I went in sensibly on the Monday morning and I enjoyed the week there but this week I wasn't really enjoying my time. I wasn't that keen on Ben but I had a good time bowling on Wednesday with Nath and James. On Wednesday Afternoon, I met Helen who is the deputy-principle at Farleigh and she is also their Speech & Language Therapist. After half term I'll be doing Speech & Language therapy where I will be chatting with 2 other students to practise my social skills. On Friday, I had a meeting at Farleigh and they decided that I should spend time with Ben as maybe it would help me to get to know him and I'll realise that he isn't' that bad.

Well It's my last week at Farlegh before half term and I'm really not looking forward to going back tomorrow.