Saturday 19 May 2012

OK week at Farleigh

This week I had an OK week at Farleigh.

I went to Trowbridge College on Monday with Jacqui and everyone was talking about a tummy bug at North Parade whichi si the main Farleigh house. Sharron the baseroom leader was making sure that the baseroom was all clean and everyone was washing their hands. After college, I went back to Fourwinds and I went shopping at ASDA. When Babber and I were looking through the world food section, we found some Cheetos crisps! I was very excited and we bought some Cheetos along with other groceries that I needed for the week. For safety, they canceled my Learning Centre sessions because of the bug. I had my tea and then we continued our adventure on Metal Gear Solid 2. At the end of the evening, we were on a mission for Octacon. Octacon wants us to take pictures of a new Metal Gear that the Marines were making. He wants Snake to take some photos and send them to a computer which Octacon has made some software for. Snake only has 7 minutes to do it because they are having a speech. Once the speech is over, they are free to leave and hunt for enemies.

On Tuesday, I woke up, had shower and had breakfast with Ben. I went to College and I felt a bit worried about the bug again. I stuggled to eat my lunch but I managed to eatt it. The afternoon was tough again because we were doing a difficult assesment which Jacqui and I found tough.

After College, I went back to Fourwinds and I spent the rest of the day there. Later on, Hannah came and she made my tea. After tea, Bop It really wanted us to play Millionaire again so we went down and played my electronic Millionaire game again. This week we weren't that good. We also played on Metal Gear Solid as well and Hannah was good guding me on how to do the task, evening though she never played this game before, she was guessing on what to do.

On Wednesday, I woke up, had a shower, had breakfast was Ben again and catch the bus into Trowbridge and then we were at the baseroom ready for a 2 hour lesson at College with Peter. We did Web Development. After College, we went back to FourWinds and on our way home, a student liked the Wurzules so he put his Wurzules CD on! Ooh arr! Alright me babber?

I did my session with Emma and then Angela and I were playing on Metal Gear Solid and Abe. After tea which I ate very well, we went bowling. I didn't do that well this week but I did have a spare.

I was pleased to go home today and alll other Farleigh students went home this week a day early because of the bug. It looks like everything will be back to normal next week.

Friday 11 May 2012

A short buggy week at Farleigh

This week. I manage to get on with my college days but I didn't fell very well during the weekend. I felt hot but I manage to go to College on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday afternoon was pretty tough. We were doing a new assessment on Unit 4 Business IT Skills and Jacqui and I were struggling with what we had to do. It did involve pesky spread sheets!

Tuesday after College, I went to North Parade and I had Speech and Language with Helen. After Helen, I had Numeracy lesson with Martin and we doing some probability stuff on MyMaths.

After my Numeracy lesson, I went back to Four Winds with Hannah. I had my tea and then Bop It really wanted us to play my electronic Millionaire game again so Hannah and I took it downstairs and played it with Ross. We were so close to winning £1 Million but the audience got it wrong. It was the second most popular answer that would have won us the jackpot prize! We played Brain Shift, Metal Gear Solid and the Snake '97 iOS game on my phone.

On Wednesday, I woke up, had a shower and went down to have my tablet and then I had breakfast with Ben. After breakfast, I got myself dressed and then I caught the usual 9:35 Fairsaver bus. Elvis look-alike was our driver.

After doing 2 hours of web development, I had my lunch and then I went back to Four Winds. I felt a bit hot when I went back and luckily Babber was there. I spoke to Mum and Dad and told them how I was feeling. I managed to do some OT with Emma and I made my bed and vacuumed my room. I went bowling and we had 1 game and I had 86. Babber and I was also playing on Metal Gear Solid 2 and Babber prefers this to Abe!

On Thursday, I got up, had a shower, had breakfast with Ben again and then I did my 2 hour lesson at college. After college, I waited for my lift to the station and then I got the train home. I didn't feel well over the afternoon but I had a hair cut and I'm starting to feel better now.

There has been new information on Windows 8 on forums that I go on and I have seen some new screenshots of a new build of Office version 15.

I have a challenge next week set by David which I couldn't do this week because I wasn't feeling very well. David from CAMHS wants me to just phone my Mum and Dad once a day before tea time. I am allowed to speak to my Nanny & Pops and I have to remember that when I'm at Farleigh, Four Winds is my home!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Another week at Farleigh

This week has been an OK week at Farleigh. On Monday I went to college and went back to four winds. Angela had already done my shopping list and I had my snack and we watied for some other students and then we went shopping. After shopping I went back and Anglea cooked my tea. I had jsut what I asked for. Angela wasn't forgetful. After tea, we made our packed lunch and then I played on my new Metal Gear Solid HD collection disc that had 3 different games, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I found that Metal Gear Solid 2 was the eaisest out of the 3 and when Snake dies, the game over screen appears and Octacon says either: "Snake what's wrong?" or "Snake respond!" or "Stop kidding arround!" or "Snake? are you OK?" or "What were you thinking?" and then he says "Snake? Snaaaake!"

On Tuesday,, I got up, had a shower, went downstairs to take a tablet for my spots and then I had breakfast and went to College. We are no longer doing spreadsheet lessons anymore. Instead, we are continuing on the Business IT Skilss unit. We will be able to finish our last spreadsheet assesment during Workshops on Tuesdays. After College, I went to the Learning Centre and I had a Literacy and Numerancy session. The Literacy session was more fun that the Numeracy because we were making our scripts for our radio show that our group will be making.

In our Numeracy lesson with Martin, we were looking at probability with numbers. After that, Hannah took me back to four winds and I had my tea. I didn't like my tea because the potato wasn't mashed properly so it become a bit lumpy. After when Hannah finished her tea and did some washing up, w made our packed lunch and then we went upstairs. Bop It wanted us to play my electronic Millionaire game again so we took it dowstairs and played Millionaire. We got up to the £64,000 question which we gussed and we got it wrong so we won £32,000. We also played Metal Ger Solid 2 and we were against a female boss.

On Wednesady, I got up, had a shower and went downstairs to take me tablet and then I had my breakfast. Unfornatley Ben was in the lounge and he was playing his guitar. Jacqui, Sue (Ben's personal tutor) and I all went to catch the 9:35 Fairsaver buss. The buss driver had the same hairstyle as Elvis! After doing 2 hours of Web devlopment at College, I had my lunch and then I went back to Four Winds. I striped off my bed and clothes and put it in the washing machine before Emma came. With Emma, I made my bed, transfrered my washing into the tumble dryer and we played some online puzzle games.

This afternoon was pretty exciting because Angela and I manage to beat the first boss in Metal Gear Solid 2! The day before, Octacon said to us that we can destroy the light and the tarpoling but we didn't realize that we had to shoot them before she uses them as it makes it more difficult. Angela Babber made my tea and after tea we sorted out my washing and then we went bowling. I had a couple of strikes and spares and out of the 2 games we played my highest score was 96.

I only have a short week next week and I'm looking forward to hopefully getting a new HP laptop. My Novatech Nspire Pro hasn't been that great as the mouse pad gets slower and soemtimes the keybaoard keys are less responsive. I have found a nice HP laptop at Staples which if Novatech decide to refund me, this is what I'll be getting.