Saturday 19 May 2012

OK week at Farleigh

This week I had an OK week at Farleigh.

I went to Trowbridge College on Monday with Jacqui and everyone was talking about a tummy bug at North Parade whichi si the main Farleigh house. Sharron the baseroom leader was making sure that the baseroom was all clean and everyone was washing their hands. After college, I went back to Fourwinds and I went shopping at ASDA. When Babber and I were looking through the world food section, we found some Cheetos crisps! I was very excited and we bought some Cheetos along with other groceries that I needed for the week. For safety, they canceled my Learning Centre sessions because of the bug. I had my tea and then we continued our adventure on Metal Gear Solid 2. At the end of the evening, we were on a mission for Octacon. Octacon wants us to take pictures of a new Metal Gear that the Marines were making. He wants Snake to take some photos and send them to a computer which Octacon has made some software for. Snake only has 7 minutes to do it because they are having a speech. Once the speech is over, they are free to leave and hunt for enemies.

On Tuesday, I woke up, had shower and had breakfast with Ben. I went to College and I felt a bit worried about the bug again. I stuggled to eat my lunch but I managed to eatt it. The afternoon was tough again because we were doing a difficult assesment which Jacqui and I found tough.

After College, I went back to Fourwinds and I spent the rest of the day there. Later on, Hannah came and she made my tea. After tea, Bop It really wanted us to play Millionaire again so we went down and played my electronic Millionaire game again. This week we weren't that good. We also played on Metal Gear Solid as well and Hannah was good guding me on how to do the task, evening though she never played this game before, she was guessing on what to do.

On Wednesday, I woke up, had a shower, had breakfast was Ben again and catch the bus into Trowbridge and then we were at the baseroom ready for a 2 hour lesson at College with Peter. We did Web Development. After College, we went back to FourWinds and on our way home, a student liked the Wurzules so he put his Wurzules CD on! Ooh arr! Alright me babber?

I did my session with Emma and then Angela and I were playing on Metal Gear Solid and Abe. After tea which I ate very well, we went bowling. I didn't do that well this week but I did have a spare.

I was pleased to go home today and alll other Farleigh students went home this week a day early because of the bug. It looks like everything will be back to normal next week.

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