Sunday 27 November 2011

Another week at Farleigh!

On Monday morning, I had a nice breakfast and went in the car and played my games on our way to college. When I got to college and I saw Ben, I felt really angry as I knew I wasn't gonna get away from him every day. Later on in the day I felt better and I had a great evening with Angela. 

On Tuesday evening it wasn't that great. Roz didn't do my tea great and it didn't fell the same without Angela being there but I saw Angela all day as she was supporting Ben at college.

On Wednesday I ended up staying at home because it was Ben's Birthday party and he could choose where to go bowling. He chose Bristol, and I didn't want to go all the way to Bristol because I knew that I would want to go home and I don't like Ben. I also managed to make my bed quicker than I used to as I been having OT every week and Emma the OT therapist teaches me on how to do things.  On Wednesday evening, Emma set of the fire alarm. It wasn't a drill, it was just to make sure that Emma knows how to set the fire alarm off via the control panel and so that I know what it sounds like. It sounded exactly the same as the college alarm. 

On Thursday I was a lot happier as I knew I was going back home. I'm looking forward to the Christmas Holidays as I will be home for 2 weeks!

Saturday 19 November 2011

My first 3 weeks at Fareligh in a new term!

My first week was great. I went shopping on Monday, I had a guitar lesson with Andy on a Tuesday and I went bowling on Wednesday and I went home normal time.

On the second week I felt a bit sad on the Monday but it turned out to be great because Ben went home ill on Monday evening and we had a nice quiet week without him. I also won bowling!

This week, Ben was back and on Tuesdays I won't be having Angela because she goes to a different house, but I will be having Angela on Mondays and Wednesdays like normal. When I went bowling, Angela beat me! On Thursday afternoon I went to the Learning Centre and I had a numeracy lesson there. I was taught on how to measure the area and the perimeter of rectangles.

I'm so glad that I'm a Celebrity is on again as there will be something to look forward to on the evening. Hopefully the Spider's Web will come on every night.