Sunday 17 June 2012

Another week gone at Farleigh + some updates

This week wasn't so bad.

On Monday I went to college like a brave dude and after my day at college, I went back to Four Winds and I saw Babber! I was pleased to see her after a week off. She couldn't go shopping with me because the house was short of staff so Graham supported me at ASDA.

I went back from ASDA and then Angela cooked my tea. I had fish cakes, chips and peas and it went down nicely. There were a few black bits on the chips where she must have cooked it longer than normal.

I showed Babber my new Bop It Smash game. Over the week I manage to beat my high score and currently my high score is 266!

On Tuesday morning, I wasn't looking forward to going down for breakfast because I knew that I would have to eat breakfast with Ben. So I woke up, had a shower and then I went downstairs to take my tablets and whilst I was eating my breakfast, the night waking officer went to wake Ben up for the morning. I was a little bit worried because I didn't know how hyper he was going to be.

It was alright though. I managed to eat my breakfast with Ben and then I got ready for college and Graham drove us there whilst Jacqui went with us as well.

Most of my days at college were relaxing as I was allowed to do what I wanted on the computer as I finished all my work. In my PSD lessons Jacqui have been helping other students with their work and been using my folder as an example as it got passed by the verifiers.

Tuesday after college, I went back to North Parade to do some Speech and Language therapy with Helen and my learning centre group. It was quite a tricky one because Helen wanted each of us to do a short speech about buttons. We had to think about some ideas and present them on a piece of paper.

After Speech and Language, I had Maths with Martin. The LC may be running a new Maths GCSE next year so Martin had some past papers for us to do to see how we would get on if we were to take the real thing.

On Wednesday morning, after having breakfast nice and peacefully on my own and after getting dressed, Alley said to me "We are going to set the fire alarms off ." Farleigh's Health and Safety officer was there to test our fire alarms. Me, Jacqui and Sue waited outside as the fire alarms are loud indoors.

Everything was fine and then we went to college. Our tutor Peter wasn't in on Tuesdays and Wednesday. On Tuesday morning we had Bob and on Tuesday afternoon we didn't have anyone. On Wednesday morning, we didn't have anyone. Peter had a chest infection and was unable to come to college.

On Thursday, I had to have breakfast with Ben again. He was a bit crazy with how much cereal he was having and some times he puts me off from my eating. I was allowed to leave at half 10 because I had to walk to the station. On the way Jacqui had to hand in a form at Ashleigh Grove and then we went to the station and took the train home.

Update on Apple!

This week it was Apple's World Wide Developer Conference! On Monday evening, Apple had a keynote speech and they announced a new line of MacBook Pros which are available now, OS 10 Mountain Lion which is available next month and iOS 6 which will be available in the Autumn.
You can watch the WWDC 2012 keynote here:

New house update
I am pleased to say that when I go back to Farleigh in September, I will be going to Ashleigh Grove in Trowbridge. It is a nice quite house with only 4 students. It also has a conservatory linked to the back of the house. It is also walking distance to the college and it's not that far away from the train station.

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